Setting a COVID Responsive Data Strategy with PWC and TalkTalk

Data Insights: Setting the Data Strategy

The impact of the global pandemic has accentuated the need to increase and improve the use of data as an innovation tool especially as the challenge of progressing innovative business solutions and ideas has become unquestionably more difficult.

Developing and implementing an effective Data Strategy is an essential step for any organisation looking to innovate and apply the use of data into business processes. However, even though management may be committed to making progress, it can be difficult to know where to begin. This theme is aimed at management teams and senior technical individuals, and will form a starting point from which to consider the evolution of the data strategy and how to flex the implementation of that strategy.


10:00 Welcome & Introduction | Steve Caughey, Director, NICD

10:10 Key note from PWC

Setting a COVID responsive Data Strategy | Steve Mills, Director Data & Analytics & Ben Alexander, Senior Manager in Data Analytics

10:30 The Industry Perspective of the Changing Data Strategy | Gareth Powell, Insights and Analytics Director TalkTalk

10:40 Q&A Panel

11:20 Technical Workshop

How to embed effective cultural and business change as part of a Data Strategy | Will Stevenson, Manager Data & Analytics and Sally Nelson, Manager Data & Analytics, PwC

11:50 Wrap Up | Steve Caughey, Director, NICD


Key Note

Setting a COVID responsive Data Strategy

PwC discussed the impact that COVID-19 has had on the business' data strategy, recognising that the way businesses utilise their technology and data has been significantly impacted by the change in working patterns, the need to reprioritise analytics and have insight at the ready, and a change in technology infrastructure needs going forward.

Businesses need to be more agile to a change in priorities, and we hear first hand examples of how organisations are reinventing, rethinking and innovating their use of data as part of their data strategy in light of the pandemic.


How to embed effective cultural and business change as part of a Data Strategy

One of the most important parts of an effective data strategy is how it is embedded into the business teams and process. In this webinar, PwC lead an interactive session taking us through some of their experiences and approaches to embed sustainable cultural change when designing and implementing a data strategy.


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